Railway Recruitment board of North Central Railway invites applications from the Citizens of India and from such other persons declared eligible by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India for recruitment against (Erstwhile Group D’) posts.
No.of Vacancies: Total - 2715 posts
Important Dates:
Starting date of Application submission | : 27-07-2013 |
Last date to apply | : 02-09-2013 |
Educational Qualification:
10th Class or ITI or equivalent from a recognized Educational Institution/Board.Those candidates who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of class 10th are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from recognized educational institution/Board, otherwise candidature will be rejected. Candidates having higher educational qualifications may also apply.
Application Fee:
The examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidate is Rs. 100/- (Rs. One hundred only). All women candidates, SC/ST/Muslims/ Christians/Sikhs Buddhists/Zorastrians (Parsis) candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees. Economically backward class candidates whose family income is less than Rs. 50,000 per annum are exempted from examinations fees (They have to produce income certificate on letter head in prescribed format.
Age Limit:
For all the vacancies, the age will be 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01.01.2014.The upper age limit will be relaxed as per government Rules.
How to apply:
The candidates have to fill up required information in his or her own handwriting. The application should be written either in English or Hindi not in any other language duly dated and signed by him/her.
The examination fee should be paid in the form of crossed Demand Draft/ Bank Draft from any Nationalized Bank or IPO from any Post Office in favour of Chairman, Railway Recruitment Cell, North Central Railway Allahabad payable at Allahabad. Validity of Demand Draft/ Bank Draft/ IPO should be minimum six months. Application received with cash/cheque/Central Recruitment Stamps and Money orders will not be accepted
Selection Process:
Written test but since the procedure of conducting the recruitment exercise is under consideration at boards level, it will be issued later.
Official Website: www.rrcald.org